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HSM Training Guide

The training guide includes the following

  • Identification of target audiences to determine particular training needs and the sequence of training;
  • A flow chart that outlines appropriate course modules;
  • A summary of different training delivery methods along with recommendations for optimal training approaches on the advanced methods presented in the HSM; and
  • Information of HSM and HSM-related training opportunities.

Click here to review the HSM Training Guide.

    FHWA HSM Training Courses

    FHWA has developed a series of training courses on specific parts of the HSM that are offered through the National Highway Institute (NHI). Click on the NHI number to access these courses.

    HSM Practitioner’s Guide for Geometric Design Features (NHI 380070) – This two-day course overviews the HSM methodology for evaluating the safety performance of geometric design decisions on both rural two-lane, multilane rural highways, and urban/suburban roads. Two other courses are also available. HSM Practitioner’s Guide for Rural Two-Lane Roads (NHI 380070A) is a one-day course that presents the HSM predicted method for total crashes on rural two-lane roads based upon lane width, shoulder width, roadside hazard, traffic volume (exposure), and other characteristics. HSM Practitioner’s Guide for Multilane Highways and Urban/Suburban Roads (NHI 380070B) is a one-day course that provides the HSM methodology for predicting safety performance of geometric design decisions on multilane highways and urban and suburban arterials based upon lane width, shoulder width, roadside hazard, traffic volume (exposure), and other characteristics are presented.

    Using the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) (NHI 380100) – This interactive IHSDM web conference training course gives participants the opportunity to use the actual IHSDM software tools to evaluate and analyze real highway designs. The new format consists of four hours of self-paced, web-based trainings and four two-hour sessions of virtual, instructor-led trainings.

    Highway Safety Manual Online Overview (NHI 380106) – This web-based course includes an introduction of HSM terminology, examples of the Roadway Safety Management Process (HSM Part b) and Predictive Method (HSM Part C), explains the relationship of Crash Modification Factors (CMF) to decision-making and quantitative safety analysis, and human factors.

    FWHA Resource Center Training

    The FHWA Resource Center also offers training webinars including the following:

    • FHWA HSM for Local Agencies, formerly HSM Lite – This half day course or 90 minute overview webinar provides a snap shot of highway safety statistics, a brief introduction to the HSM, and shows how safety can be incorporated into practice through proven safety countermeasures and low cost safety improvements. Contact:
    • FHWA Practitioner’s Workshop for the Highway Safety Manual – This one day workshop presents applications of the HSM predictive equations for urban and suburban roadway segments and intersections. Each module is accompanied with an exercise for the participants to get hands on experience with the HSM. Contact:
    • FHWA HSM Roadway Safety Management Process – This is a one-day overview of the HSM with emphasis on the Roadway Safety Management Process (Part B). The target audience is transportation professionals who are involved with assessing sites within a corridor that could benefit from safety treatments to reduce crash frequency or severity. Contact:
    • FHWA Safety Analysis of Freeways and Interchanges – This 2-day workshop explores how geometric design, traffic control, and other factors affect roadway safety. The agenda provides and overview of the new HSM Chapters 18 & 19 and guidance on how to use ISATe and/or the IHSDM to analyze freeway/interchange safety. Contact: